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更新:01-26 整理:39baobao.com

[别拿豆包不当干粮的故事简介和故事梗概]村委会改选啦! 郭裕村霎时间热闹非凡。 执掌帅印几十年的老村长刘有财,为了彻底改变郭裕村领导思想落后的顽症痼疾,忍痛割爱、毅然下马。 一时间,村长大印虚位以待,引得全村上下...+阅读

霍桑最好的短篇《小伙子布朗》(Young Goodman Brown)里,霍桑写了早年的新英格兰,故事主人公去出席在半夜举行的魔鬼聚会,发现在座的不仅有镇上所有德高望重的人,甚至还有他的妻子费思... 书的主题包括人性的好与坏 正如霍桑的大部分小说一样,《小伙子布朗》这部小说自始至终充满了晦暗、神秘的意象。本文对这种神秘、晦暗的意象进行了双重解读:一方面,这体现了霍桑深受清教思想和超验主义哲学影响的矛盾思想;另一方面,这也反映了霍桑的创作倾向与写作特色。

英文故事简介: The story begins late one evening in 17th century Salem, Massachusetts, with young Goodman Brown leaving his home and Faith, his wife of three months, to meet with a mysterious figure deep in the forest. As they meet and proceed further into the dark forest, and it is broadly hinted that Goodman Brown's traveling companion is, in fact, the Devil, and that the purpose of their journey is to join in an unspecified but obviously unholy ritual. Goodman Brown is wavering and expresses reluctance, yet they continue on. As they journey Brown discovers others also proceeding to the meeting, many of them his townsfolk whom he had considered good Christians including his minister and deacon and the woman who taught him his catechism. He is astonished and disheartened and determines, once again, to turn back. But now he hears his wife's voice and realizes that she is one of those to be initiated at the meeting. Recognizing that he has lost his Faith (in both senses), he now resolves to carry out his original intention and enthusiastically joins the procession. At the ceremony, carried out at a flame-lit, crude rocky altar in a clearing deep in the forest, the new converts are called to come forth. He and Faith approach the altar and, as they are about to be anointed in blood to seal their alliance with wickedness, he cries out to Faith to look to heaven and resist. In the next instant he finds himself standing alone in the forest, next to the cold, wet rock. The narrator suggests that the experience might have been a dream, but Goodman Brown is deeply shaken. He lives out his days an embittered and suspicious cynic, wary of everyone around him, especially his wife Faith. The story concludes with this dismal statement:




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