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更新:01-28 整理:39baobao.com

[谁有孟姜女哭长城的故事啊]秦始皇正徵发八十万民工修筑万里长城。官府到处抓人去当民工,被抓去的人不分白天黑夜地修筑长城,不知累死了多少。 苏州有个书生叫范杞梁,为了逃避官府的追捕,他不得不四处躲藏...+阅读

In the past there is a woman, her three daughters. Daughter called an eye because she is only a one-eyed, long in the central forehead; second daughter, called Liang Zhiyan, because she, like ordinary people and only two eyes; youngest daughter called three eyes, because she has three eyes , In addition to ordinary people and the same two eyes, that third eye is also long in the central forehead. However, precisely because of Liangzhi Yan and look no different from ordinary people, her mother and sisters are all hate her. They told her: "Do you long With two eyes, than those where less than a good man, you is not our home! "In this way, they call her Laihuan to just throw some old clothes to wear to her, let her eat them the rest of the disabled Leftovers, and to find ways to torture her. One day, Liang Zhiyan sisters only eat a few little things, she called an empty stomach to outdoor sheep. As a result, she sat on the ridge and sad tears, crying tears as two straight stream like to continue to flow from the eyes down. When she is sad to hold his head, was found standing next to a woman, she is a witch. Just listen to that woman said to her: "Liang Zhiyan, why do you cry?" Liangzhi Yan replied: "How can I tell them cry? On ordinary people and because I have the same eyes, my mother and sisters do not like me. They put me in a corner to the other corner, Just throw some old clothes to wear, I just let me eat them the rest of the leftovers. Today, they only give me a little something to eat, I was very hungry. " At this time, the Witch and said: "Liang Zhiyan lovely, dry your tears, let me teach you one way, you will not starve after the. As long as you have on your Yanger said:




谁知道完整的孟姜女哭长城的故事这个故事发生在很久很久以前,那时候秦始皇正徵发八十万民工修筑万里长城。官府到处抓人去当民工,被抓去的人不分白天黑夜地修筑长城,不知累死了多少。 苏州有个书生叫范杞梁,为...


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