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更新:02-02 整理:39baobao.com

[英语故事三只蝴蝶]There are three butterflies gardens.one is red,one is yellow,and the last is white.They're playing and dancing in the garden all day.They're very happy. suddenl...+阅读

My puppy Snowy My parents bought me a puppy at a dog fair. I named him “Snowy,” because it is covered with white hair all over. On the weekends, I would take him out for a walk from home to a pet shop. Snowy likes all kinds of dog cookies and toys. Some are made of cow bone, and Snowy likes to chew. It is a 30-minute walk from my house. My cousins like to play with Snowy too. We throw a ball, and Snowy will catch it and give back to us. At the end, all of us get very tired but very happy! Snowy is getting bigger and bigger now. Sometimes he seems to be protecting me when we go out. He barks at strangers who get too close. Snowy is a good dog and I hope we can always be friends!





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