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更新:03-24 整理:39baobao.com

[比较经典的英语句子想被爱的时候有人来爱你]1、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to fet are a...+阅读


Is getting a promotion always a good thing?


It may not be that simple as you think.


Sometimes if it es when you are not ready, it can be quite a trouble.


But first, if you just got a promotion, Congratulations!


After over-delivering on project after project, and exceed ing all your goals that you set with your manager when you started your job, your employer is finally rewarding you with a change in title and an increase in the pensation.


Youre exhilarated, but youre also a little confused. What do you do now?


First off, start with figuring out what you will no longer take on.


Assuming that your promotion es with more responsibilities, you will probably need to learn how to master your new tasks, and you wont be able to do that efficiently if you he to do that on top of your old job.


This requires trusting other people, which can be difficult if you he controlling tendencies.


The higher you move up, the more you he to depend on others. So start to learn to let go of your micro-managing tendencies, and trust that youre not the only one who knows how to do everything.



I was on vacation in Hawaii with my family. We were at the beach all day and at some point I took off my ring I got as a gift from my mom for graduation (beautiful, gold, inscribed, full of sentimental value) and placed it in the cup holder of a foldable chair. Beach day continues, and we pack up and go home. Once home, I realize what Ive done. I realize my ring isnt on my finger. Panic ensues.


We race back to the beach with only 20 minutes to spare before sunset. Get to the beach and locate the general area we were laying out earlier.


About 15 strangers in the area got down on their hands and knees to help my sobbing mess self search for my ring. And they helped me to the end. Eventually in a stroke of luck, I find the ring. I stand up and exclaim to the group of kind strangers I found it. They all crowd around me so happy and congratulatory as though they had stake in this game. My tears of loss turn into tears of joy and thankfulness for the amazing effort put forth by this group of people.




Realize that you he options. There are places even here in the US where people dont he the option of being out of survival mode enough to ponder these issues.


If I were you, this is what Id do: Id pack a backpack and start treling for up to a year.


The beauty of treling is that, with little effort, it will take you out of your head - new currencies, new foods, new accents and people so you HAVE to pay more attention to everyday things.


Whether abroad or in the US, Id suggest you do some volunteer work. When you dont know what to do for yourself, go do something for another person (or for animals, the environment, etc).


Besides treling and volunteering, something else thats great for when you dont give a hoot is to read.


Read just for reading sake! Not to make you a better person, to get ahead, to pass the time, to be productive. Just find anything or anyone that interests you and read about it.


Remember you are not the one feeling this sense of helplessness.


Its ok to fail. I know how bad you feel now. You worked so hard to get into your dream school and you didnt get admitted in the end. It just didnt make any sense. Just let all these emotions out. Cry it out. And let it go.


You are not alone. There are people around you who cares about you. Your parents, friends, siblings. They were always there. Go talk to them and tell them how you feel.


Life is meaningful. Stop whatever you are doing and think about your life. What is important to you? What makes you happy? Or what makes you particularly sad? These are a few places you can start.

生活是有意义的。不管你在做什么,都要停下手中的事去思考你的生活。对你来说什么才是重要的? 什么会使你快乐?或是什么会让你特别伤心?这些都是你可以重新出发的点。

Lifes beautiful. It may seem like lifes unfair because you didnt get you wanted after giving up so much. But these failures and setbacks will renew your perspective in life. You realise you didnt really need whatever youre working so hard for. You start to cherish the people and the things around you. Endure the darkness because it shows you the stars.






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