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更新:01-09 整理:39baobao.com

[外研社高中英语必修3单词表]have…in common 有相同的特点 linguist 语言学家 make a difference 有影响,使不相同 accent 口音 obvious 显然的,显而易见的 motorway (英)高速公路 underground (英)地铁 subw...+阅读

National Day

Today is National Day holiday.In the morning,I watch TV .Bei jing is very beautiful.I like China .About National Day.Oct 1 is China's National Day.Why is the this Day as National Day of chinng? Because on October 1,1949,the people's Repulic of China was officially established,so that people set up to the National Day.




谁有高一英语必修3单词表journal transport prefer disadvantage fare route mekong flow ever since persuade cycle graduate finally schedule fond be fond of shortcoming stubborn organize c...

高一英语必修3英语单词hunger ,income ,poverty ,human , development ,index , measure , goal , expectancy , position . educate ,figure , househould , homeless , charity , crowded , fre...

求人教版高中英语必修三单词表Unit 1 增加 add 合计 add up 点;尖端 point 使不安 upset 不理睬 ignore 平静的 calm 平静下来 calm down 不得不;必须 have got to 涉及;关心 concern 挂念、 be concern abo...

急求人教版英语必修三单词表以及课文材料!unit1 Young (年轻的) funny (滑稽可笑的) tall (高的) strong (强壮的) kind (和蔼的、亲切的) old (年老的) short (矮的) thin (瘦的) Mr (先生) like (像、喜欢) strict (严格的) smart (聪明的...

高中英语人教版必修三单词人教版高中英语必修三第一单元单词表take place 发生 beauty 美;美人 harvest 收获;收割 celebration 庆祝;庆贺 starve (使)饿死;饿得要死 origin 起源;由来;起因 religious 宗教上...

关于春节的英语节日贺语Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year. 祝福您,新年快乐。 Please accept my seasons greetings. 请接受我节日的祝贺。 To wish you joy at this holy seaso...

关于春节的英语祝福语长一点愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。 Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health. 请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。 All...

关于消防安全小报消防安全知识 火警电话是119,报警时应讲清:起火的具体地址,火势,什么物质燃烧等等; 消防栓周围十米内严禁堆物,十五米内不准停车。 消防工作的方针是:预防为主,防消结合。 防止烟气...
