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更新:12-30 整理:39baobao.com


B:Look, A is there. C: Yeah, he must be in the net bar before. A; HEY, guys. What are you talking about? B: Nothing, we have just played B.ball. C: yeah, it was a fantastic match! B: it's so sorry that you were not there. A: i was in the net bar just now, i feel lonely... C: why? You have us, you have friends. A:but sometimes you have your own things to do, i don't want to disturb your work. B: maybe you can have a pet! C:that is a nice idea! A: yeah! But my mom would kill me if i raise a dog or a cat... B: how about a bird, which can speak human being language. C: i like it! A: maybe, but the smell of it is bad, i don't think i can bear that. B: so how about some fishes? C: they will not have any strange smell. B: that is a great choice. A: but i am too lazy to change the water, they must die soon. B: what a guy! C:so , let me see. How about a tortoise? I think it is perfect! A: maybe...but it cannot speak! B: so do you have any own idea? A: no...i have thinking about it for a long time. C: maybe...you need to think about it for even longer time. A: on,no!




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