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更新:03-17 整理:39baobao.com

Andy在我们初到曼城时,就告诉我们曼城有一个浪漫的名字 Rainy City ,雨水比伦敦还多。周六开始就让我们领略了Rainy City 的魅力了,虽然偶尔也会冒出一点阳光,但是从周六早晨开始到周一晚上基本一直是绵绵细雨,看当地的报纸好像雨要一直持续到下周。连日的阴雨,让曼城的气温骤降,和前几天相比,大街上穿棉袄的人群多了起来,甚至有好多人穿上了羽绒服,但依然有人短袖、短裙。在国内完全是不同季节的服装在曼城可以同时闪亮登场!


今天John的课的主要目标是talk about pairwork 。在日常的英语课堂教学中,Pairwork是英语教师常用的一种教学组织方式,我们也通常是把就近的学生分成一对或者是一小组来进行对话或者其他活动。如果不是因为座位调整,小组人员基本是固定不变的。这就给我们的课堂带来了一些问题,因为课堂交流对象的相对固定,从而影响学生间交流的欲望;或者因为两个学生都是基础较好,很快完成合作任务,然后无事可做浪费时间;或者还有可能是两个学生基础都较差,因此根本就不能在限定时间完成合作任务。这些都会在一定程度上影响我们的课堂效果。

如何来进行有效的分组,John在课堂上让我们进行了一次mingling做演示。他首先给我们每个学生发了一张小纸条,而且说明不能给人看,然后根据纸条上的信息去找寻Partner,可以自己找任何理由去和同学组成小组。我的纸条上是Bridge,经过一番交流,我找到了我的同伴,她的纸条上是London,那么合起来是London Bridge。当时教室里是可以自由走动的,随意交流直至找到自己的Partner为止。因为同伴的未知性,觉得活动过程还是比较新鲜的。在完成活动之后,我发现John 所使用的是pound words,opposite words等等来让学生自己的Partner,整个过程学生还是比较感兴趣的。

这里列举一些Activity types---pair and group formation。

1. Prepare enough pieces of paper for each learner to he one. Write them in pairs that go together(e.g.;two colours, two animals, two cities etc). Give out the pieces of paper and tell learners to find their partners and sit with them.

2. Prepare enough pieces of paper for each learner to he one. Write them in pairs that go together write opposites that match(e.g.:good/bad. Black/white, rich/poor). Give out the pieces of paper and tell the learners to find their partners.

3. Prepare enough pieces of paper for each llearner to he one. Write sentences on the topic you want to review, and he a gap for a missing word in each one. Write each missing word on a separate piece of paper too.(e.g; Hamlet is a famous by Shakespeare+play; London is the of England+ capital). Give out the pieces of paper and tell the learners to find their partners and sit with them.

4. Prepare enough pieces of paper for each learner to he one. Write statements on each(e.g: I he two brothers, I like eggs, I know the English for &emsp )Give out the pieces of paper and tell learners to find someone for whom the statement is true and sit with them. NB:It is possible that not everyone will be paired off this way.

5. Prepare enough pieces of paper for each learner to he one. Write the beginning of a sentence on one piece and the end on another. Don t repeat any of the sentences.(e.g; I saw Harry Potter in the cinema last month; Paris is the capital of France). Give out the pieces of paper and tell the learners to find their partners.

6. Prepare enough pieces of paper for each learner to he one. Write a series of questions and answers on different pieces of paper(e.g;Who s Did Beckham?+ A famous footballer; Who painted Guernica? +Picasso; What s a knife? +something you cut food with). Give out the pieces of paper and tell the learners to find their partners.



