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更新:12-24 整理:39baobao.com


The graduation project is on Qingdao University laboratory building A for the appropriate calculation of amount of engineering and construction organization design. The project construction area is 7424 square meters and it is a reinforced concrete frame structure. The content of graduation project is divided into two main parts: the first part: each part of the calculation of gross output, and then to aggregate them together , the consumption sets of the fixed and the list of projects, come to the cost of the project and materials, machinery consumption circumstances; Part II: Construction of organizational design, the construction of the project design, in accordance with the characteristics of the project and construction conditions of a reasonable division of construction and construction of the flow above, select a reasonable implementation plan, in accordance with reasonable arrangements for calculating the yard location as well as human use of resources, so human, material and resources to achieve the optimal ratio to create more economic benefits.




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