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冰河世纪1 2的英文影评 300字

更新:02-10 整理:39baobao.com

[求电影成事在人英文影评有些原创不能完全和网上的一样150]This movie is better as any medicine to cure heart problems. The best part is that it's not some fairy tale, but really happened. Nelson Mandela is the only 21t...+阅读

英文影评:《冰河世纪》(Ice Age) Digitally animated children's adventure. A hairy mammoth with an Elvis quiff, a sloth with a wise-ass attitude, a dastardly sabre-toothed tiger and a squirrel go on a quest to return a cute human to his family Ice Age tells the simple story of an incredible journey taken by four mismatched animals to return an orphaned human baby to his father. Racing against the onslaught of glaciers our prehistoric heroes Sid the sloth (Leguizmo), Manfred the mammoth (Romano), Scrat the squirrel (Wedge) and Diego the sabre-toothed tiger (Leary) face peril at every turn as they journey across the harsh prehistoric snowscape to reach the human herd. Ice Age's CGI animation looks fantastic, although it does suffer when held up against Shrek and Monsters, Inc.. Ice Age isn't in the same league as its DreamWorks and Pixar competitors but it is an enjoyable and well executed film nonetheless. Although the story is somewhat generic, it's delivered with great spirit - the characters are genuinely funny and will appeal as much to parents as their kids. Although you should be warned - the poop jokes start early and keep coming. John Leguizmo is especially excellent as (the voice of) the fast-talking but slow-moving long-necked klutz otherwise known as Sid. And the much underrated Denis Leary brings a brooding menace to his part as the double-crossing Diego.I don't always watch movie .while through the movies I saw I think Ice Age is the best one .The first time I saw the movie was when I was a freshman.My English teacher always let us watch some interesting movies.Such as Forrest Gump,National Treasure,Ice Age ,Beauty And Beast and so on .And Ice Age is the only one I always remind.The story is about 20000 years ago,everywhere was covered with ice.So animals ran around to south to avoid the new ice age.While a moody mammoths Manny run around the other direction and meet Sid who is talkative by chance.During a sneak by tigers ,a womon with a baby jump into the dark tan.And the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid while the womon is dead.They deside to return this baby to his father at the moment they encounter Diegoa who is a cruel saber-toothed tiger.At first Diegoa set a trap to lead Manny and Sid to Half peak mountain where tigers while kill the baby.While in a very dangerous place Manny sacrifice himself to save Diegoa,which make Diegoa recognize the importance to collective solidarity in a group.After the three animals faced boiling lava pit, the ice, cold weather, even the wicked plot,and finally they return the baby to his father successfully.Well,I want to say in today's society we will encounter difficultes in anytime and anywhere.While should unit our friends or stranger to deal with them,and when the problems are resolved we should thank for those who help us,only this we can have a better and more colourful life.




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