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更新:06-02 整理:39baobao.com


首先 要写你看的东西的主要内容。再写让你觉得印象深刻的几个地方,或是让你觉得感兴趣的方面。之后可以谈你从中获得的启示。最后结尾可以升华一下,联想到更高层次的方面。"Love of education" This book is a masterpiece spread all over the world, which is based on the way to write the diary, the length of each is not long, but there is a touching story. This book expresses the author's family, school, parents, brothers and sisters, the view of the relationship between teachers and students. After reading this book, of which there are a few of my special favorite. Such as "noble conduct," reads as follows: Author class room and saw 34 students being teased克洛西red hair, he is a disabled arm of a child, his mother make a living selling vegetables. Some students stabbed him with a ruler, and some students take chestnut shell of objects being thrown from his school, he was also hung on the neck with one hand on it.克洛西in the seats, pale, and look at their mercy. Several fun of his classmates to see him this way, the more energy, and Fran Matisse also skip this rogue stools, and the role of Tam克洛西mother dishes out of the way, the students will be met with laughter. At this time the克洛西is nugry, inkstand from the table and start to enjoy throwing objects from the past, Fran, Fran Matisse but flash on one side, just playing in the silent water bottles into the classroom is the teacher's body. We met with, and then fled back to their seats are up, teachers change the face color, stern voice asked: "This is who did?" No one answered, ask the teacher to enhance the sound, then suddenly stood up Karon and admit that it was their dry, but not his teacher said. After a while, the teacher said penalties will not throw people inkstand.克洛西stood up, crying to tell the teacher what happened. Teachers will tell students that the four naughty stand up and learned their meal, and then go before Karon, is a tribute to his noble soul. Karon also forgive those who seek teacher naughty children. Although I think克洛西disabled, but he is a human being, we should respect him, help him so that he will not be saddened disability. However, the four naughty even get his classmates to laugh at his disability, when he was a monster. Unfortunately, they are an insult to bully people, they practice is shameful. Human beings should not hate each other and should not be an insult to others, people should not be embarrassed. If I hate you, you hate me, the world will be a war. We have to respect other people, do not look down on others, so that the world will be peace, humanity will be living a happy life.《爱的教育》这本书是一部流传世界各地的名著,它是以日记方式来写的,每篇的篇幅不长,但都有一个感人的故事。

这本书表达了作者对家庭、学校、父母、兄弟姐妹、师生之间关系的看法。 看完这本书之后,其中有几篇是我特喜欢的。例如《高尚的行为》,内容是这样的:作者上课室时,看见三四个同学正在戏弄红头发的克洛西,他是一只胳膊残废的小孩,他的母亲卖菜为生。有的同学用尺子捅他,有的同学拿栗子壳掷他,还有人学他一只手挂在脖子上的样子。克洛西坐在座位上,脸色苍白,用求饶的眼光望着他们。那几个戏弄他的同学见他这样,越发起劲了,弗兰谛这个无赖还跳到凳上,扮着克洛西母亲挑菜担的样子来,学生们见了便哄堂大笑起来。这时克洛西气极了,从桌上抓起墨水瓶,向弗兰谛掷过去,但是弗兰谛闪在一边,默水瓶恰好打在正走进课堂的老师的身上。大家见了,都逃回自己的座位上去,老师变了脸色,厉声问:“这是谁干的?”没有人回答,老师提高了声音再问,这时,卡隆突然站起来,承认是自己干的,但老师说不是他。

过了一会儿,老师说决不处罚扔墨水瓶的人。克洛西站了起来,哭着把事情的经过告诉老师。教师便叫那四个顽皮的学生站起来,教训了他们一顿,然后走到卡隆面前,赞扬他的心灵是高尚的。卡隆还求老师饶恕那些顽皮的孩子。 我觉得克洛西虽然残废,但他也是一个人,大家应该尊重他,帮助他,使他不会因为残废而难过。但是那四个顽皮的同学竟拿他的残废来嘲笑他,当他是怪物。他们欺负侮辱一个不幸的人,他们做法是可耻的。 人类不应该互相仇视,不应该侮辱别人,不应使人难堪。如果我仇视你,你仇视我,世界就会发生战争。我们要尊重别人,不要看不起别人,这样,世界就会和平,人类才会过着幸福的生活


题目:需要包含你的topic和你的controlling idea. 第一段:提纲句:你要写什么英语观后感的简练评价;说明的大概内容,注意要用描述性、抒情性的句子 第二段:具体阐述你在提纲句中对它的评价,展开说,为什么这样评价,原因何在,它给你什么启示。 第三段:收尾,即对上述你写的内容进行简练概括 要写一篇好的文章,还要注意:1.结构合理。这就是为什么要分段的原因,每个段落集中讲述一个主题。2.过渡自然。这包括段与段、句与句之间的过渡,这时候需要根据意思来选择表达并列、递进、转折等等的过渡词。3.句式多样,长短句结合。主动句换成被动句,善于运用从句,祈使句,特许句式等等。4.善于换词。一些出现在作文里的千篇一律的单词必须要换掉,不然让人看着无味。




Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.


Michael Bay doesn't disappointed us. I've seen Transformers in a press screening today, and I'm under the film's impression right now. The robots are cool as much as they can be. Bay's vision about the cult-comic and animation of the eighties has become one of the greatest effect-movie of all time. However I must disapprove that the Decepticons lost their personality, they're just mainly destroying and killing machines, Megatron and Starscream are more complex characters like they're featured in the movie. But I don't want to tease. Spielberg and Bay has created a gigantic, spectacular and funny summer blockbuster movie, that the sequel manufacturer studios can consider as an example. So, Transformers is more than meets the eye! And by the way OPTIMUS RULES!!!!


I've seen a old movies——,Kirsten Dunst was the Actree while she was 14-years-old.The story was written by Anne Rice.she was a evil Amirecan woman,full with pride, anger and immortal hate to the world.Vampire bite some people,and change them into slave,just like our real would,and our heros didn't like to be treat like that ,they against with demon,just like they killed their own father.every one wanted to be free.that's the author wanted to say....





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