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[病历分析例题——缺铁性贫血][病例摘要] 患者女性,25岁,因面色苍白、头晕、乏力1年余,加重伴心慌1个月来诊。 1年前无明显诱因头晕、乏力,家人发现面色不如从前红润,但能照常上班,近1个 月来加重伴活动后心慌,曾...+阅读


首先是审题要正确,这与阅读水平和细心程度有关。题目Do You AGREe with the Idea that One Can Not Judge a Person by Appearance ? 中的从句One Can Not Judge a Person by Appearance 意为“不能以貌取人”,而试题是问你是否同意这句话。同意则表示“应该以貌取人”。

根据考题展开你的观点 ;


1. I think people do judge others by their appearance at least to some extent. We often pick up many clues about other people from their clothes and from their outward appearance. If I e to you and tell you that I'm a very shabby , would you believe me ?


2. When I see someone in dirty clothes, I will assume that maybe he is uneducated; but just when you think you can totally rely on that, that is when you'll be wrong.

3. I think we should, but not always. We should not put too much stock in it, and we should not rely on it too much.


4. It is a wrong to think that appearnce are not important. The superficial characteristics are useful in some ways, but are not of the first importance. We should judge people based on their characters.

5. It depends on a lot of things besides just the appearance. I notice that young people like to dress up very formally. They will make sure that they are always looking very proper. But I also notice that older people, particularly those topnotched people, don't dress up very carefully, because they he leant to act in a certain way that says more than the clothes they wear .


6. Judging people by their appearances discounts other qualities. For example, there is a very intelligent professor who is very skilled when he goes into the classroom and explains the scientific theories; and he is very skilled when he goes into the lab and does his experiments. Yet maybe he has a difficult time shing properly; maybe he has a difficult time in other cases; maybe he does not he anybody to buy nice clothes for him, and maybe he does not realize that he has spilled some liquid on his shirt. In fact, it's difficult for people like him to dress very well or she very well. And therefore, if you judge him based on his appearance, you are not fair. He is a very intelligent, creative and interesting person, and yet to look at him, you might not think so highly of him.


7. If you judge a person by their appearances, this tells people more about yourself than it does about that person. If the only quality that you value in a person is how well he dresses or how attractive he looks, then we can see into yourself, and understand that the things that you really do value are those very superficial qualities.


8. If you choose your friend based on who is well dressed or who is more attractive, or other superficial qualities, then you are going to he less likelihood to he a good friend . You are going to miss out on a friend you could he who is much more interesting and much more creative and yet is much less interested in appearances.


9. People can buy a very nice outfit in just a couple of minutes, and they can change their outward appearances in a few hours by going to a barbar's shop or a hairdresser's. And yet how long will it take to develop creativity, or to bee very well educated, or to he interests in areas of knowledge? You can't gain these so easily and quickly. It takes years, not just a few minutes.





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