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better late than never演讲稿

更新:01-04 整理:39baobao.com

[中国女排的精神演讲稿300字]8月20日,在2016年里约奥运会女子排球决赛中,中国队以3比1战胜塞尔维亚队,夺得冠军。这是中国女排在颁奖仪式后庆祝。 在位于北京东城交道口街道的一处普通居民小区里,每逢周末,院...+阅读


Good morning distinguished guests, teachers and fellow classmates. Today I am going to focus on the saying "Better Later than Never".

Have you had such an experience when you are rushing for the deadlines? I believe everyone will have this sort of experiences, especially in the hectic Chinese society we are in today. At school, students need to rush for the deadline of their submission of their homework. What is more stressing is that there are all sorts of distractions that just make you unable to focus on your work.

Thus you are in the solemn state of struggling otherwise you will have to face a music. Worse even, you might be so embarrassed to face your friends.

I believe that thing are better late than never. Although you may start things late but it really doesn't mean that you cannot do it well. Be serious to every task given, even though it cannot benefit you in the short term at present. You will enjoy the fruit of success in the long run.

Students having not studied hard enough shouldn't just give up and put the book away before exam because not doing well doesn't mean you cannot be able to do a little better.

So when you are rushing for the deadline keep reminding yourself of this saying "Better late than never"




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