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求有关奥运会的英文演讲 !

更新:01-09 整理:39baobao.com

[感动我们的人和事演讲稿450字左右]尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好。现在便由我来和大家一起讨论“感动我们的人和事”。 我听说过一个故事,人物中的旅馆小伙计很真诚,他的行为使我感动。那是在美国很多...+阅读

Host the best Olympiad in Beijing Hosting Beijing 2008 Olympics greatly boost the national morale, promotes economy and enhances China's international prestige. Now, widespread concern has focused on how to make a green, high-tech and clean Olympiad. We must go all out and aim high to surprise the world with the best Olympiad. First, Beijing Olympiad should be greener than Sydney Olympiad. Since environmental pollution and desertification are notorious in China, much work remains to be done to drastically correct the situation. For example, we should thoroughly clean polluted air, water and soil, and restore beauty to forests and prairies. Next, we should modernize the infrastructure of Beijing, such as its traffic network, its telecommunication system, its sports facilities and its service centers to provide the best service to all participants of the Games. Besides, state-of-the-art facilities and technologies will be used at any cost. We must do it and we are capable of doing it right. Finally, efforts should be made to ban stimulant abuse, scandals and racial discrimination. Moreover, greater efforts should be centered on eradicating corruption, which is invading every pore of our society, so as to ensure that every penny be used in the right places. That is no easy task. The rapid economic growth, heightened environmental consciousness and grass roots support are all having a favorable impact on our success. Whatever the developed countries have done, China will do it better. In the race for excellence, there is no finish line. We are confident that the clean, high-tech, and green Olympiad will make Beijing a nice showcase of our prosperous, powerful, and better-educated nation.





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