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六年级 at the zoo

更新:03-27 整理:39baobao.com

[母爱六年级]作者:陆珍茹 单位:河南省孟津县横水镇上院小学六年级 辅导教师:许建辉爱是世上最美的情感,是人与人之间心灵相通的纽带,是文学艺术永恒的主题。在无数的真爱中,母爱是最伟大、最...+阅读

At the zoo

Last weekend, I went to the zoo with my friends. There were many animals there. I saw tall giraffes, thin monkeys and two bears. I saw a panda too. I liked the elephant best. It had a long nose and big ears. We had a good time that day.


求一篇英语作文:At the zoo

At the zoo I like to go to zoo. There are many animals at the zoo. We can see big animals, such as tigers, zebras, elephants. We can also see small rats like squirrels. There are birds flying in the huge cage and monkeys clmbing trees on the hill. But man shouldn't keep too many animal at the zoo. 希望能够帮到你。

作文At the Zoo有条件的

At the zooOn the weekend , I went to the zoo .At the zoo , I saw many interesting animals .I saw tigers,horses,monkeys and pandas.Tigers were bigger and stronger than monkeys.But monkeys were funnier than tigers.And they were thinner than tigers. Horses were faster than pandas.And I thought pandas were lovely.I was very happy I can see so many animals.你们是在学比较级吧。希望这能帮到你。不过一直这样找人帮也不好。还是要自己多努力学习啊...

英语的作文的题目是At tne

At the zoo

Three days ago ,my mother took me to a zoo for visit.that day i have watched panders ,tigers ,and so many kinds of the other animals,but almost all were caged .i found they were not happy ,because in their eyes something was shining ,needless to say,its their tears ,however ,we are so happy out of the cage ,or we call the hell.

at the zoo ,the hell of our friends ,we are(were) happy ,but they are not ,why?

because we are humans!




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