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更新:12-01 整理:39baobao.com



One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live

It’s now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus.The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1 980,when smallpox was eradicated in the wild,by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to he it -- one in the US and one in Russia·If smallpox had truly gone from the pla,what point Was there in keeping these reserves?

__1__reality,of course,it was naive to __2 __ that everyone would let __3__ of

such a potent potential weapon.‘Undoubtedly several nations still he__4__ vials. __5__ the last“official”stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia,__6__ no obvious gain.

Now American researchers he __7__ an animal model of the human disease,

opening the __8__for tests on new treatments and vaccines.So once again there’s a good reason to__9__ the virus--just in __10__ the disease puts in a reappearance.

How do we __11__ with the mistrust of the US and Russia? __12__.Keep the

virus __13__ international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that’s open to all countries.The US will object,of course,just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything.But it doesn’t __14__the idea is wrong.If the virus __15__ useful,then let’s make it the servant of all humanity——not just a part of it.


smallpox n.天花

vial n.小瓶

auspices n.赞助;支持

cap vt.结束;覆盖

potent adj.有效力的;强有力的

mistrust n.不信任,怀疑


1. A) In B) On C) At D)For

2. A)know B) imagine C) realize D)be aware

3. A)to go B) going C) go D) went

4. A) much B) more C) most D) a few

5. A)And B) While C) Whereas D) Although

6. A)since B) for C) because D) of

7. A)looked for B) sought

C) found D) talked about

8. A)method B) road C) street D) way

9. A)keep B) put C) destroy D) eradicate

10.A)need B) case C) necessity D) time

11.A)handle B) tackle C)deal D) treat

12.A) Difficult B) Hard C) Safe D) Simple

13.A) under B) in C) on D) for

14.A)say B) mean C) state D) declare




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