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[求教翻译成英文电影名]笑傲江湖II东方不败 鹿鼎记 鹿鼎记II神龙教 绝代双骄 新龙门客栈 暗恋桃花源 1993年 白发魔女传 白发魔女2 东方不败之风云再起 射雕英雄之东成西就 追男仔 黑豹天下 1994年...+阅读

* is responsible to assist the customer new plan induction, the arrangement to plan and to carry on the circuit design. the * production review and debugs the sample payment customer, the organization customer order form appraisal. * processes the guest to sue, once went to the Hebei solution customer to draw back the single crisis, the retrieval company “the Hebei first list”, avoids the company losing, develops the North China market for the company to establish the foundation. * provides the good pre-sale consultation and the post-sale support service to the customer, causes the company to obtain *** in 2006 the outstanding supplier title. the * assistance marketing department carries on the market investigation and study and the display overall plan, collects and feeds back the market information, formulates the developmental strategy for the company to provide the information foundation. the *2 year many succeeds is responsible for *** and the *** all customer project management and the design, can defer to customer request high-grade on time completion!





有到英国留学经验的麻烦进请问你们当初在国内或英国练习英语口语2002-2004在英国留学. 本科在国内读. 从大学二年级开始准备TOFEL考试,上新东方TOEFL周末班。虽然新东方的教学是完全应试的,但由于老师出色,并且我的目标明确(当时首选是去美国),...

请问Stafford House英语假期学校住宿条件好吗Stafford House英语假期学校的住宿主管会确保学校所有的住宿都是质量很高并且有安全保障的。学校24小时有人值班,以便处理一些紧急情况。学校还有经验丰富的监督员去各个中心...

做梦怎么翻译成英文的dream n. 1. 梦[C] I had a bad dream last night. 昨天夜里我做了一个噩梦。 2. 白日梦[C] 3. 幻想,空想[S1] Sophie lives in a dream. 索菲生活在梦幻之中。 4. 理想,愿望[...

关于的梦翻译成英文梦[mèng] 名 dream; a surname 动 (做梦) dream 网络 DREAMS; selina; mv 双语例句 1 我刚做了个非常可怕的梦。 I just had the most awful dream. 柯林斯例句库 2 他是所有...

关于求职的英语请帮忙翻译几个词谢谢:1. Position: Technician Report to: Chief Engineer 2. Position: Sales Person Report to: Sales Manager 3. Position: Sales Supervisor Report to: Marketing Manager...


请大家翻译几句求职用英文1. taking responsibility for informing group members with customer feedbacks promptly in addition to communicate any suggestions between the customer and colleg...

求职帮忙翻译成英文the supervisor of factory thought that we put excessive color into flower patterns of our designed artworks.due to the cost,they had to decrease the number of c...