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a camping trip是什么意思

更新:03-08 整理:39baobao.com

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中文意思:野营,露营。 1.Tomorrow, we are going to have a camping trip. 明天我们将有一个露营。 2.If your idea of a camping trip is a leaky tent and cold baked beans, forget it! 你要是认为野营旅行就是漏雨的帐篷加上冷冰冰的烤豆子,那可就全错了! 3.Now when we arrive at their village for a research trip, they round up three camels to carry our camping equipment, food and water, and we all walk to the top of the plateau and set up camp. 现在我们每次为了研究而拜访他们村落时,他们都会张罗好三只骆驼,来驮运我们扎营所需的装备、物和水,接著我们会徒步走上高原,然后扎营。 4.Mothers who had the training readily adopted the elaborative style during a staged camping activity, and their kids recalled more details when questioned about the trip later. 看过册子和视频的妈妈们在一次有组织的宿营活动中很快采用了详述式方法,她们的孩子后来在回答有关宿营的问题时也回忆起更多的细节。


题目: A camping trip

our school organized a camp. I think that this event is very meaningful. We reached a base at morning . At noon we ate a meal. After dinner our make own tent and prepare dinner. during the activity, we have encountered many difficulties, but we all use own wisdom solved it. When we eat own meals, we are all proud of yourself.前不久我们学校组织了一次露营活动。我觉得这次活动很有意义。我们早上乘车来到郊区的一处基地。中午时我们吃了一顿饭。饭后我们自己搭帐篷,准备晚饭。在此期间,我们碰到了很多困难,但我们都用自己的智慧解决了。当我们吃到自己做的饭时,我们都为自己自豪。




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