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小学英语《My family》试讲教案

Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aim:Students will understand the information contained in the textbook and find out their families in their own family photoes.

Ability aim: Students can discuss with partners according to the picture;

Students' ability of writing the name of their family members can be trained;

Emotional aims: Students can gain a better understanding about their family and the relationships;

Teaching Key points:

Help students to understand the meaning of the words.

Difficult Points:

Help students to write the new words correctly..

Teaching Methods:

Group discussion, question making, video display, picture showing.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming-up:

Let students have a free talk about how many people are there in their family


ask students do they know how to express their family member's name in English?

Step 2 presentation:


Take out the teacher's family photo and show the students how to express the name of the family members.


Lead the students to read the new words for several times after showing the new words.


students will discuss their family members in their own photo in pairs.

Step 3 application

Every students will write their family tree on a paper and revise their family tree in pairs.

Teacher will also draw a family picture on the blackboard and chose some students to write the suitable words on the tree.

Step 4 Summary and homework

Some students would be invited to sum up what we have learned today and their own understanding of family.

Assign homework: remember the new words according the teacher's instruction and finish the practice in the following page.

Blackboard Design:

My family

Father mother

Son daughter

Teaching Reflection:




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