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[日常生活中口语交际的英语语句]想要学好英语,外教水平很重要 最好欧美母语 口语纯正很重要 要多听多比较,不然学出口音就难改了!.好.多学习讥构比如:ABC天芐欧美外教英语 都会先让你做个英语测试,他们是快速英...+阅读

Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from? Language goal 1.Function: . In this unit students learn to talk about where people are from. 2.Vocabulary: Canada ,France, Japan the United States, Australia, Singapore, The United Kingdom, China 3.Target language: Where is your pen pal from? /she is from Canada. Where does she live? /She lives in Toronto. What language does she speak? /She speaks English and French. 4.Structures Where questions /What questions Key Points Where questions /What questions Difficulties The names of different countries /The languages of different countries /The differences of “be” and “do” in the sentence. Section A 1a. This activity provides guided listening and pronunciation practice using the target language. 1.Point to the numbered list of words. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. 2.Play the recoding a second time. Ask Ss to repeat the names of the countries 3.Let Ss read the new words aloud individually or in pairs. 1b. This activity provides listening practice using the target language. 1.Point out the list of countries in 1a. Let Ss circle the names of the countries the people are talking about. 2.Play the recording the first time. 3.Play the recording a second time. Ss only listen. 4.Check the answers. (Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore) 1c. This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. 1. Point out the conversations in the picture and ask a student to read each one with you, then in pairs, in groups. 2. Ask various pairs to present a new one to the class. 2a. This activity provides reading and spelling practice using the target language. 1. Point out the list of countries. Read and ask Ss to repeat. 2. Point out the list of cities. Read and ask Ss to repeat aloud. 3. Ask Ss to work, offer help as needed. 4. Correct the work. 2b. This activity provides listening practice using the target language. 1. Call attention to the list of cities and countries in 2a. Let Ss circle them when they hear the conversations at the first time. 2. Play the recording a second time. 3. Check the answers.(Japan, Tokyo ,France ,Paris, Australia, Sydney) 2c. This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language. 1. Call attention to the chart in 2c. Play the first conversation on the tape. 2. Play the recording again and have Ss fill in the chart. 3. Check the answers. 2d. This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. 1. Call attention to the conversation in the picture. 2. Ask two Ss to read it to the class. 3. Ask Ss to work in small groups. Appoint a leader. Make sure everyone talks about at least one of the people on the chart. 4. Ask pairs of Ss to present their conversations to the class. Grammar focus 1.Review the grammar box. Ask Ss to say the questions and answers. 1) Where is your pen pal from? He is from Australia. 2.Where does he live? He lives in Sydney. 2. Ask Ss to make more sentences with “where, from. and live 3a. This activity provides reading and spelling practice . 1. Point out the diagram and explain how it works. 2. Read the instructions to the class. Ask Ss to work in pairs. 3. Correct the answers.(1.China 2.The United States ,The United Kingdom, Australia,3.Singapore) 3b. This activity provides guided oral practice. 1. Call attention to the conversation in the picture. Ask two Ss to read it to the class. Answer their questions about the conversation. 2. Ask Ss to work in pairs. 3. Ask several students to perform their conversations for the class. 4. This activity provides listening, speaking, reading and writing practice 1. Explain the procedure. 2. Play the game. Section B 1.This activity provides reading practice 1. Point out the language textbooks on the desktop. 2. Call attention to the notebook page with the countries listed. 3. Point out the sample answer . 4. Ask Ss to write the letter of the correct country in the box next to the title of each language book., ask Ss to work in pairs. 5. Ask a student to write his or her answers on the board. 2a. This activity provides listening practice. 1. Call attention to the conversation bubbles in the picture. 2. Play the recording, number each question you bear on the tape. 3. Play the recording a second time. 4. Check the answers.(Answers: What's her name?1 /Where is she from?2 /Does she have any brothers and sister? 3 /Does she speak English?) 2b. This activity provides listening and writing practice. 1. Call attention to the numbered questions in 2a,ask different Ss to read it 2. Point out the answer blanks in 2b and the sample answer. 3. Play the tape and ask Ss to complete the answers individually. 4. Correct the answers. 2c. This activity ...




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