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更新:01-08 整理:39baobao.com


: Finding Nemo Finding Nemo is a great story. Try not to look at it as a naive cartoon just about fish swimming around. If you really look into it deeply. You will learn lots of value. At first Nemo was just a kid as any kids. He thought he can do everything. When he tried to prove how brave he was. He swam alone far away. And then got caught by human.And after that is the story about how Nemo's father try to rescue his son and Nemo how to escape by himself. And in the procedure Nemo has learned he was only a kid. Something he can not do. He should not be that naughty and let his father worried about him. In another way, his father felt regret about how rude he treated his son. At the end of the story, the met again. And they finally knew the relationship of family is the most valuable thing in the world. Nemo's story actually happen to every kids and parents. Parents want their children become better and their children always want to show they have already grown up. From the story, I think they should both learn something. 自己做的,希望满意





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