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[以大数据为主题写一篇1500字的文章]事实上,所谓“大数据时代”的说法并不新鲜,早在2010年,“大数据”的概念就已由美国数据科学家维克托·迈尔·舍恩伯格系统地提出。他在 大数据时代一书中说,以前,一旦完成了收集...+阅读

As a music (Musique Concrete) is a means to collect and record directly to the nature of the specific sound has been using electronic means shear, variable speed, horizontal stack, rewind and so on to deal with to create music. But usually will not be material to the modulation level can not be identified, that is, the sound source is perceived as an important feature of music. As a music (Musique Concrete) is the first music pioneer Pierre from France. Schaefer (Pierre Schaeffer) and his partner Pierre. Henry (Pierre Henry) in the 20th century and the first to propose the 50's conceptualization for with the traditional music notation to distinguish between, but they are not the first to try such persons music. Because as early as in 1927, Antheil (Antheil) was the sound of car horn, cut the sound, such as the use of an electric drill to the sound of music in the ballet. As a unique type of music, such music not only creative thinking creators get great liberation, the selection of material in the music to provide unlimited possibilities, but also in the creation and operation of formal practices in relation to traditional music notation speak with a strong experimental and exploratory wide. Creative outcome, there are endless fun and unpredictability. Compared with traditional music notation, this was a very subversive in terms of the music revolution in the field, because it opens up the field of human beings to enter the door to new music. As a music (Musique Concrete) in comparison to traditional music notation of the similarities and differences between the other point is: as the music is from an existing, there is the voice of the starting material to consider the applications, these materials can be music, as well as noise. Traditional music notation is the first in the brain structure, such as voice, and so the idea of orchestration, and then credited to the spectrum of paper, and then play through a variety of instruments to be realized. In other words, the traditional music notation is the idea of an abstract concept from the beginning, and then by playing music into concrete; and as a music (Musique Concrete) is a specific material from the beginning, and then use these materials in the creative process abstract thinking again. Beginning of the twentieth century, the modernization of the development of large machines with numerous urban life, some restless artists found a wealth of music to develop new resources, that is, all the voices into the music can be such a futuristic musical ideas. Well-known artists such as noise鲁索罗had been trying to be like music. With the subsequent development of music as manifested in the work first of all, speed, production means and the more complex rhythms and emotional factors of the more abundant. The twentieth century to the fifties and sixties, the artist began to take full advantage of all available electronic means to create and electronic equipment so that a change like crazy music, and began a wide range should be shipped in the movies, ballet and other new media arts and other fields. If瓦莱滋(Edgar Varese) works, "Electronic Poetry" (poem electronique) on the projector with a four, eight lights, light bulbs, etc. 50. Another example is the year 1957-8 in塞纳基斯works "constitute" is used when the structure of school mathematics. Over the same period, industrial machinery on the impact of the world has been reflected in the composer's choice of material, such as air sound, ring tones and so on. From the beginning of the sixties, with music as artists began to open up to the old music as a simple expansion to be large. For artists outside in sound and lyrics plus a synthesizer to create a story about this style of music like. Like music in a late stage of development, from an overall point of view, although in theory, a wide range of voices can be incorporated into a material such as the scope of music, but the material is a concise musical development as the basic characteristics of another. Each works only a few voices of several materials, some material or even only one voice. It sounds very weird, a clear trend of the future. Language works in the music used in a very long gap and the low notes sound frequency, sound seems to be in the flow of feeling, but very slow, often work very long. A large number of the second half of the twentieth century, many important modern artists, through efforts like the music so that a direction towards the diversification and broadening of the music as an "experimental." Grasp the structure of music and sound material such as awareness of the launch are promoted with great music and electronic music as the historical ...





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