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急求演讲稿 Title How do you manage your free time

更新:02-16 整理:39baobao.com


My free time可以参考下内容:)~~

Usually I would do three things in my free time, reading, playing basketball, and serfing the Interet, which are three of my deepest passions.

Reading is one of my favorite ways to my spare time. However I don't like reading books at home. I prefer to read them in the library. We have a community library down the street. It's small but has a huge collection of books. I would go there on weekend afternoons checking what's new in the library and sitting in the reading room to read some of the best magazines and newspapers around the world. The warm and sweet afternoon sunshine accompanied by the smell of books,reading has certainly become one of the best ways for me to spend my spare time.

Don't mistake me as some book-hunger person. I'm sporty too. I love to play basketball with my friends during the weekend. We usually paly 3 to 3. It helps me a lot on getting the essence of team work and assists me to be a better leader while I'm doing my school projects.

Internet has become a major media in recent years. My passion for Internet serfing has been growing stronger and stronger. At night when I'm not studying, I would go online and chat with my friends and other people from all over the world, learning different cultures and knowing the big world out there. I would also like to check out the employers who are hiring and try to find a job.

Basicallly, that's how I spend most of my spare time. Reading is a good way to absorb knowledge and become familiar with news events. Playing basketball with friends helps me on building team working skills and interpersonal skills. Serfing on the Internet exposes me to the world's different cultures and different people that come from different backgrounds.




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