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更新:03-18 整理:39baobao.com

[c语言急需一个简单程序的注释和流程图!]只要看这里 while (k>0) { m=((int)k)%10; //m为k的余数,假如k=345,那么k%10=5,即m=5 count[m]++; //count[m]=count[m]+1 k=k/10; //假如k=345,k/10=34 } } 假如你输入的k=3344...+阅读






int main( int argc, char *argv[] )


int i, j, k, n = 0, temp;

char s[20][81];

printf( "请输入数字雨落下的时间(单位:0.1秒):" );

scanf( "%d", &k );

system( "cls" );

for( i=0; i


for( j=0; j<80; j++ )


temp = rand()%3;

s[ n%20 ][j] = ( temp )?( '0' + temp - 1 ):32;

s[ n%20 ][80] = '\0';


for( j=n; j>=0 & j>n-20; j-- )

printf( "%s", s[ ( j + 20 )%20 ] );


Sleep( 100 );

system( "cls" );


system( "pause" );

return 0;



/*太大了估计你不想要,给你一个扫雷程序,turbo C下才能编译成功 空格:打标记 回车:扫雷 方向键:改变方向 */ #include #include #include void adjust(int*,int*); int a[23][23],c[22][22],mm,nn; int roundmine(int,int); void spread(); main() { int i,j,b[22][22],minenum,mine; int x,y,yy,s; char g,h,z; int*x1; int*y1; time_t t; again:srand((unsigned) time(&t)); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); for(i=2;i1&i1&j0) a[i][j]=0; else if(s==0) a[i][j]=1; } if(a[i][j]) minenum++; } gotoxy(50,2); puts("dirction"); gotoxy(50,3); puts("SPACE:mark"); gotoxy(50,4); puts("ENTER:dig"); gotoxy(50,8); printf("mine num:%4d",minenum); gotoxy(50,5); printf("ESC:exit"); gotoxy(30,15); puts(" "); gotoxy(30,20); puts(" "); mine=minenum; gotoxy(2,2); x=2;y=2; while(mine) { h=getch(); if(h=='H') gotoxy(x,--y); else if(h=='P') gotoxy(x,++y); else if(h=='K') gotoxy(--x,y); else if(h=='M') gotoxy(++x,y); x1=&x;y1=&y; adjust(x1,y1); if(h==' ') { if(c[wherex()][wherey()]) if(b[wherex()][wherey()]) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); putch(16); mine--; gotoxy(59,8); printf("%4d",mine); gotoxy(x,y); b[wherex()][wherey()]=0; } else { textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); putch(219); mine++; gotoxy(59,8); printf("%4d",mine); gotoxy(x,y); b[wherex()][wherey()]=1; } } if(h=='\015') { mm=wherex();nn=wherey(); c[wherex()][wherey()]=0; if(a[wherex()][wherey()]) { for(i=2;i21) gotoxy(*x-=20,*y); else if(*y21) gotoxy(*x,*y-=20); } int roundmine(int x,int y) { int i,j,r=0; for(i=x-1;i1&x1&y1&x1&y


觉的这个怎么样啊?/*a finger-guessing game*/#include#includemain() { char ch; char artificial; int random; while(1)/*如果不退出,则永远玩游戏*/ { srand(time(NULL));/*使rand随机而不重复*/ printf("Please input one case you want to put:\n(A/a:stone;B/b:cloth;C/c:forfex;Q/q:quit)\n"); artificial=getch(); if(artificial=='q'||artificial=='Q') exit(0);/*游戏循环出口*/ if(artificial!='A'&artificial!='B'&artificial!='C'&artificial!='a'&artificial!='b'&artificial!='c') continue;/*其他字母全部跳过*/ if(artificial=='A'||artificial=='a') printf("You put out stone.\n"); if(artificial=='B'||artificial=='b') printf("You put out cloth.\n"); if(artificial=='C'||artificial=='c') printf("You put out forfex.\n"); random=rand()%3+1; switch(random) { case 1:/*这是电脑出石头的情况*/ printf("I put out stone.\n"); if(artificial=='A'||artificial=='a') { printf("Ah,We are the same.\n");/*如果一样,继续*/ continue; } if(artificial=='B'||artificial=='b') { printf("Oh,you are perfect!You have won!"); printf("\nDo you want to play again?y/n\n");/*判断是否继续游戏*/ ch=getch(); if(ch=='y') continue; else exit(0); } if(artificial=='C'||artificial=='c') { printf("Ah,ha!I won!"); printf("\nDo you want to play again?y/n\n"); ch=getch(); if(ch=='y') continue; else exit(0); } case 2:/*电脑出布的情况处理*/ printf("I put out cloth.\n"); if(artificial=='B'||artificial=='b') { printf("Ah,We are the same.\n"); continue; } if(artificial=='C'||artificial=='c') { printf("Oh,you are perfect!You have won!"); printf("\nDo you want to play again?y/n\n"); ch=getch(); if(ch=='y') continue; else exit(0); } if(artificial=='A'||artificial=='a') { printf("Ah,ha!I won!"); printf("\nDo you want to play again?y/n\n"); ch=getch(); if(ch=='y') continue; else exit(0); } case 3:/*电脑出剪刀的情况处理*/ printf("I put out forfex.\n"); if(artificial=='C'||artificial=='c') { printf("Ah,We are the same.\n"); continue; } if(artificial=='B'||artificial=='b') { printf("Ah,ha!I won!"); printf("\nDo you want to play again?y/n\n"); ch=getch(); if(ch=='y') continue; else exit(0); } if(artificial=='A'||artificial=='a') { printf("Oh,you are perfect!You have won!"); printf("\nDo you want to play again?y/n\n"); ch=getch(); if(ch=='y') continue; else exit(0); } } } getch(); }




c语言编译程序是不是系统软件属于系统软件。 1、系统软件是指控制和协调计算机及外部设备,支持应用软件开发和运行的系统。 比如c语言编译器、汇编编译器、Windows、Linux、安卓、ios等软件。 2、应用软...

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C语言程序编译问题printf和scanf的缺陷 1.非类型安全 函数原型使编译系统对它进行必要的类型检查,免除了许多错误,但对于printf()和scanf(),它却毫无帮助。printf()和scanf()所期望的参数个数与类型...

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