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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

Interviewer: We were going to 1)e around to your house earlier. We got a phone call. We were trelling over from the airport and we got this call to say, “Change of 2)venue, you're going to Dido's house.” And we were like “Wow, we're going to Dido's house!” And then we got another call about two minutes later to say, “You're not going to Dido's house anymore.” I thought we were going to e around.

Dido: I 3)came up with a more sensible plan. I didn't he to run around tidying up. You know what I mean?

Interviewer: I see. So it was a bit of a mess, is it? I get ya. There's a lot of people who don't know a great deal about you. Your brother's Rollo from Faithless, isn't he? I've got a quote here from your brother. Correct me if I'm wrong. “When you're singing, don't give up your day job.”

Dido: Yeah, now that was quite a few years ago. That's not now and yeah, no, when I first started it wasn't sort of so much think about your day job, but it was like, look, you know, it's a really tough industry. And he knows it because he's in the business, you know, he's seen you know many, many singers who hen't, you know, done that well. But really the thing about it is that as soon as he said that I'm like, “Right, OK,” you know ge up my job.

Interviewer: Even more determined.

Dido: Yeah it's like, now I got to sell more records than ever, ever!

Interviewer: You've got this massive success over in the states and nobody can kind of see it here.

Dido: Yeah, nobody can relate to it really. It's you know, it's only recently when they sort of see things happening here, they're like, “Well, OK, you really are singing.”

Interviewer: Is that where Eminem spotted the famous sample from the single Thank You?

Dido: Yeah, he basically got sent it on a B tape that was done by The 45 King, he's like this old hip-hopster...

Interviewer: Yeah, yeah I remember that 900 number...

Dido: Absolutely and you know, it's on most of the great old hip hop tunes, and he did a B tape for Eminem like that's what happens when you're doing a new album. It's lots of people send your B tapes to write over so you think...

Interviewer: Ah right, OK...

Dido: ...and he had happened to sample the first verse of Thank You which is my song off the TV ‘’cause it was promoting a film Sliding Doors.

Interviewer: Sliding Doors, yeah.

Dido: So he didn’t even know what it was and he sampled it off the TV and just sort of 4)looped it over and over and sent it to Eminem, and then Eminem wrote a jack over it. So that’s sort of how it happened basically.

Interviewer: Amazing...

Dido: Even though nobody actually knew what it was, I think it took them a while to sort of work it out.

Interviewer: Really?

Dido: You see, I heard it as a rumor that there was this track going around and I just didn't believe it. I was just like, “Nah. That's just too good.”

Interviewer: I'd be thinking “Chiching!” Here we go.

Dido: Not just so much that but just that I was a big Eminem fan, you know, and if someone you respect takes something of yours, you know but by the same token I was sort of thinking, “Hmm, I wonder what he's done with it.” Cause you know, you got to think with him, “What has he done?”

Interviewer: I listen to the album and I think the full version of the song is just superb when it goes into the chorus and stuff. Oh it's amazing.

Dido: Thank you very much.


























1) e around 正式拜访

2) venue n. 集合地点

3) e up with 提出办法,找到答案





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