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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

Section A

11. [A] Go with her to the airport. [B] Talk to her for a short time.

[C] Find out when the plane is leing. [D] Make the phone call now.

12. [A] He went to the dancing party.

[B] He fot about the dancing party.

[C] He didn’t find the note in the mailbox.

[D] He didn’t know about the dancing party.

13. [A] She’ll run if no one else wants to.

[B] She’ll not run because it is time-consuming.

[C] She’ll run for sure.

[D] She hasn’t decided.

14. [A] How to find the subway. [B] How to drive safely.

[C] How to oid hey traffic. [D] How to escape the busy life of town.

15. [A] The pictures of night view are really better than he expected.

[B] He didn’t know how he finished his role in the play.

[C] The film hasn’t been processed yet.

[D] He didn’t he enough film.

16. [A] She is sure John was joking.

[B] She believes John may sell his shop.

[C] She thinks John wants to go into business.

[D] She thinks John has already studied some profession.

17. [A] She’ll probably buy neither of the gloves.

[B] She’ll probably buy the leather gloves.

[C] She’ll probably buy two pairs of gloves.

[D] She’ll probably buy the artificial leather gloves.

18. [A] The woman always thinks the man is an athlete.

[B] The man is surprised to hear what the woman says.

[C] The man doesn’t look like an active participant in sports.

[D] Most people that the man meets think differently from the woman.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you he just heard.

19. [A] In his last week public relation class.

[B] In his last week literature class.

[C] In his last week history class.

[D] In his last week maths class.

20. [A] In 621. [B] In 1621. [C] In 1631. [D] In 1641.

21. [A] They were religious people from New England.

[B] They were religious people from America.

[C] They were religious people from England.

[D] They were ethnic people from England.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you he just heard.

22. [A] The benefits of nuclear weapons.

[B] The environmental pollution caused by nuclear-powered stations.

[C] The disadvantages of used fuel.

[D] The advantages of nuclear-powered stations.

23. [A] 7,500. [B] 75,000. [C] 57,000.[D] 15,000.

24. [A] The United Nations Atomic Energy Authority.

[B] The United Kingdom Atomic Energy anization.

[C] The United States Atomic Energy Authority.

[D] The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.

25. [A] The nuclear stations are safer than the coal-fired stations.

[B] The cost of building the nuclear stations is more than that of the coal-fired stations.

[C] The cheaper running of the nuclear stations can offset its great construction.

[D] The nuclear stations are much cleaner than the conventional ones.





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