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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

The third function of an economy is to determine who gets the product.Family A gets$5,000 worth of goods this year,family B five times as much--how is the division to be decided?The ines of individuals are determined by the quantities of resources(labour skills,capital in all its forms)they own and the prices they receive for the use of these resources.Workers are incited by the price system to acquire new skills and to exercise them diligently,and families are encouraged to sings(capital accumulation)by the payment of interest or dividends.The inheritance of both personal ability and wealth also enters into the distribution of ine.

If the price system is working reasonably well,it performs all of these economic functions with remarkable subtlety and precision.Society desires not only the correc amount of wheat but also that it be consumed more or less evenly over the crop year,with a surplus to carry over in case of a partial failure of the next year’s crop.①The price system provides a seasonal price pattern that encourages the holding of inventories rather than early splurging and richly rewards speculators who correctly anticipate a crop failure and hold grain that will alleviate it.⑦In the same way,the desires of every sizable group of consumers(or resource owners)are registered through the price system;entrepreneurs are incited by price offers to provide opera and musical edy,kosher food,and Persian delicacies.

High prices in a properly functioning price system thus serve as incentives to produce more and consume less,and lower prices serve as corresponding deterrents.In addition the price system is a method of municating information.Herbert Spencer once stated,rather ponderously,that only by constant iteration can alien truths be impressed upon reluctant minds:the price system,with its capacity for infinite repetition,is well suited to this sometimes unpleasant task.A higher price of steel scrap,for example,tells thousands of owners and collectors of scrap that more scrap is wanted and that more exhaustive search for abandoned rails,boilers,radiators,and machines is worth undertaking.A higher price of gasoline tells thousands of automobile drivers that gasoline should be used more sparingly,and the message is repeated each time each driver purchases more gasoline.[382 words]

1.The distribution of ine is determined by all of the following factors,EXCEPT______.

A.the price system

B.wealth accumulated

C.productivity growth

D.new labour skills

2.Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the second paragraph?

A.The seasonal price pattern best satisfies the desire of society for a balanced supply of wheat.

B.The price system is able to satisfy the desires of every sizable group of consumers.

C.The price system can satisfactorily perform any of its economic functions.

D.It is possible to lower costs of production by standardizing products.

3.AIl of the following statements are true,EXCEPT______.

A.high prices never appear in a properly functioning price system

B.lower prices indicate that there is more supply than demand

C.higher prices indicate that there is more demand than supply

D.it is normal for the price of a perishable product to vary with seasons

4.It can be inferred from the text that______.

A.each family should get equal share of ine from society

B.the ine disparity should be considerably narrowed

C.the price system rarely functions properly in modern society

D.the distribution of ine is determined by multiple factors

5.The author’s attitude toward the issue of distribution is______.









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