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更新:03-07 整理:39baobao.com

[公益广告]活动名称:公益广告 设计思路: 新课程要求教师能善于发现活动中可以生成的内容,能反映孩子的兴趣需要,从中捕捉有价值的信息,抓住契机,进行预设。《公益广告》这一活动是来自于主题...+阅读

A considerate housewife was helping her mother wash her feet as usual,what she've been doing has left a profound impression on her little son.After her routine, her lovely son held a basin full of water came toward her,saying "mom,let me wash your feet."What a moving scene it is.We can easily conclude that parents are the best teacher of the children


Um,Mummy,why did you say that we need to think about the way we travel?

Because it is hurting the world.

And if we carry on travel on our own, things could get worse and worse,

But, my teacher also says, if we travel together, things could get better and better.

Choose public transport, and help to reduce the carbon emissions and contribute to climate change, the world is your home, look after it


Advertisement belongs to the category of public advertising, is a kind of public advertising. It is discussed in the concern of the public, is one of the things it is the responsibility of the public. Public service ads in advocating excellent ideas, carry forward the excellent social fashion, promote social progress and development, etc have obvious effect, played a huge role. Commercial advertising is to promote goods and services, in the economic development, people's material needs constantly improve today's society, it brings information has become an important part of people's life, and public service ads for its progressive ideological content, right of advocacy and rich emotional, permeated through every cell of the society, to promote people's outlook on life, value ?




写一篇关于我的理想教师的作文400字张海迪阿姨说过:”每个人的生命都是一只小船,理想是小船的风帆.”我的理想是一名老师。做一名没有伟大之称的老师。你也可以投稿 妈妈从小就对我说道:“老师是一个神圣的职位。...

最美护士最美教师关于最美写一篇600字作文最美教师观后感 教师节那天,我在电视上看了《感动洪城十大最美教师》的节目。在节目里讲了感动洪城的十位教师,其中,最令我敬佩的是新建县的雷荣华老师。 她是这样一位好老师,始...





关于绿色环保的公益广告语语言要精练得体环保” 公益广告: 1、树木拥有绿色,地球才有脉搏。 2、除了相片,什么都不要带走;除了脚印,什么都不要留下。 3、地球是我家,绿化靠大家。 4、一花一草皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。 5、...

2015公益广告作文公益广告能发人深省,能让人举止文明,每一则公益广告都有着不同的寓意,而我喜欢的一则公益广告就让我感触很深. 这则广告讲的是:有一位年轻母亲一边给儿子洗脚,一边给儿子讲故事....

写一篇主题是自己健康心得 80词左右英语发言稿Hello,everyone!Now I want to share with you some advice on how to keep healthy.Firstly ,we must eat more fruits and vegetables and have less junk food.Secondly...