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更新:03-15 整理:39baobao.com

[游戏风云DOTA精彩回放时的音乐]回到现场音乐:Madam Adam - Fall from Grace 回到现场音乐2:Madam Adam - Drugs 对阵音乐1:Madam Adam - Silence 对阵音乐2:Chimaira - Losing My Mind 对阵音乐3:Godsmack...+阅读

triptych_ Siam ShadeSee Who I Am_Within Temptation Truth beneath the rose_Within TemptationFatal Duel-Arc System WorksG-LEAGUE S6Fighting_YellowCard Data Line_YellowCard Takedown_YellowCard Light Up the Sky_YellowCardBurning Games_Kosinus RecordsStreet Predator_Kosinus RecordsFight Games_Kosinus RecordsPapercut _Link ParkG-LEAGUE S6宣传片音乐勇气之证_怪物猎人羊驼乐队Through the fire and flamesG-LEAGUE S7Sahara_NightwishMaster passion greed_Nightwish 7 days of the wolves_NightwishThe poet and the pendulum_NightwishDark Chest Of Wonders_NightwishAmaranth_NightwishShe Is My Sin_NightwishG-LEAGUE S8Paradise Lost_茅原实里down with you_paparoachMemory_Sugarcultbad news_Orianthi holy thunderforce_rhapsodyemerald sword_rhapsodyonly my railgun_fripsideshutsugekiimpluse_seeddestiny09年12月-10年5月superheroes_edguywhy do you love me_garbageDecadence_Disturbed 由MDUYE32水友提供down with the sickness_Disturbed 由EvilTianzi水友提供animal_nickelback由albemn提供(WEM等赛事对阵版音乐)搞笑漫画日和ED(休闲街区)争霸赛第几赛季来着- -this islove this is life_bon joviMOBILE SUIT_gundamUC 由nihaosyous2提供 我只是CV- -Shut Up_SimplePlanshe loves me not_paparoach 由854303079水友提供PSP隔断狮子座LION_中岛爱射手座午后9时don't be late_中岛爱甩葱歌_MIKUworld is mine_MIKU这是从水区里粘帖来的精华帖。





游戏风云DOTA的精彩回放的音乐是什么emerald sword,我帮你链接到我空间吧,以前专门为这首歌写了篇日志呢。 Emerald Sword2007-07-15 17:03Crossed the valleys the dust of midlands to search for the third ke...

风云音乐环球红歌榜51.can't be friend-Treg Songz 2.Aston Martin music-Rick Ross 3.what's my name-Rihanna 4.no hands-wake flocka flame 5.right thru me-Nicki Minaj 6.make a movie-Chr...

求游戏风云回放时的音乐fighting nemo(这个好听) Siam Shade :Triptych Sammy :FATAL DUEL within temptation : see who i am within temptation : the truth beneath the rose Linkin Park :paperc...

游戏风云精彩回放所用音乐的歌名叫什么See Who I Am_Within Temptation Truth beneath the rose_Within Temptation Fighting_YellowCard Data Line_YellowCard Takedown_YellowCard Light Up the Sky_YellowCard...

游戏风云精彩回放音乐Fall From Grace -- Madam Adam Make Me Believe -- Godsmack Drugs -- Madam Adam Famous -- Madam Adam Help is on the Way -- Rise Against pushing me away -- 林肯公...

本期音乐风云榜榜单港台榜: 1 1 1 蔡依林 《爱情任务》 3 2 5 2 潘玮柏 《玩酷》 2 3 2 1 FIR 《月牙湾》 4 4 3 3 范玮琪 《哲学家》 3 5 6 1 王力宏\SELINA 《你是我心中的一首歌》 8 6 10 6...

百事音乐风云榜最新排名名 次 歌 手 票 数 1 薛之谦 10480 2 花儿乐队 3833 3 何炅 2863 4 孙楠 2496 5 陈坤 2051 6 羽泉 1917 7 胡彦斌 1450 8 陆毅 616 9 朴树 607 10 杨坤 243 名 次 歌 手 票...

游戏风云2月4号的DOTA回放音乐Siam Shade :Triptych Sammy :FATAL DUEL within temptation : see who i am within temptation : the truth beneath the rose Linkin Park :papercut Jay-Z & Linkin Park...

gtv和游戏风云比赛时的纯背景音乐Now we are free--Enya Flo Rida的whistle Shop PV BGM sum41的over my head Europa-Clobus 30 seconds to mars - Vox Populi Beyond the game animals--Nickelback Thanks...