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更新:03-13 整理:39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

互联网与我们的生活The Inter and Our Life

We know the Inter is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.


On the Inter, we can get as much information as we can. We can send e-mails to our friends and talk to them as well. Besides, on the Inter we can read books, enjoy music and watch ball games. We can also do shopping without leing our homes. But many students spend too much time playing Inter games. They waste a lot of time.


We must make good use of the Inter.


My winter vacation我的寒假

During the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. I wake up 11 oclock Am everyday, after a washing, I he a good lunch with my parents. Next I play puter games till the time to he supper. After he dinner. I go on playing till 2 oclock Am, and then go to sleep with tired. This is one dull day of my winter vacation.


But I hent bored all the time. Sometimes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day. And I also meet some of my good friends during the vacation ,we he a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether .And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2018 year! I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time.



我的家乡My Hometown

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes he taken place there. The streets he been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters he sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown and all the people there. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.





2016年关于国庆节英语演讲稿带翻译2016年关于国庆节英语演讲稿带翻译篇1Dear teacher, dear students:Everybody is good! The title of my speech today is: the national flag fluttering.Inadvertently...

攀登英语学习实验学期进展汇报开学近两个月来,我校攀登英语的教学工作按照市、区及本校的教学工作计划进行。从本周开始,进行Unit 6的教学,现将这段时间来的工作汇报如下:一、实验基本信息列项主要内容具...


读《英语广场》有感作者:王姣姣 ] 偶然的一次机会看到了《英语广场》这本杂志,翻来看看里面的内容还是很不错的,于是到网上查阅的一些有关这本杂志的信息,它是一本创刊十几年的杂志英汉对照、难度...



我爱英语,我爱Courage我爱英语,我爱Courage! 济南市经五路幼儿园与外教课堂互动 今天早上,大一班的孩子们显得比往常活跃兴奋了许多,原来,他们的老朋友Courage要来到班里了!孩子们都焦急的等待着,热...
